I started this Airfix starter way back in the summer as a change from wargame projects, as I sometimes do. It was meant to be a quick and easy project, so I picked this as the painting would be nice and easy. Ironic then that it's taken me 6 months to finally finish due to complications with painting!
Thursday 31 December 2020
Saturday 17 October 2020
DemonWorld Skeleton Warband
Not the most complicated paint scheme in the world, but any finished warband is worth celebrating!
Ral Partha Europe Demonworld\Blighthaven Skeleton Warband for the main part. I've given them a masked Necromantic leader from the Necromantic Southern Death Cult pack. He's in tatters as by the OLD Warhammer Fantasy RPG describes Necromancers as hiding away to practice their art and becoming affected by their studies. So the mask to hide his disfigurements is perfect.
The bone throne he commands them from is 3D printed at 60% scale and designed by Heroes Hoard ( https://www.heroshoard.com/ )
Skeletons available HERE
Friday 18 September 2020
The Trouble with Orcs - Part 4
Staying with the classics theme I picked an 80's Citadel Orc Champion as my next victim. In an "old meets new" way I thought I'd brave some G.W. Contrast Orc Flesh on him. The results were poor, with the heavy pigments saturating even the generous muscular sculpting of this veteran. So out came an old citadel paint. I don't know what the colours name is as it is 25+ years old and came in a box set so had no label on it! It has brought the flesh up to a bright old school green which is quite effective with the dark contrast paint still in the deep crevices - so big grins all round!
Tuesday 8 September 2020
A Sense of Dredd
It's all Dredd at the moment (or at least a large percentage is). I'm slowly but steadily painting up my Judge Dredd Starter Set (10% off here ;) ) from Warlord games. A thread on the Facebookk Judge Dredd page has started m on another project though - 15mm Judges.
Sunday 30 August 2020
Demonworld Magic Users
Sunday 23 August 2020
Barbarian Shock Troops
My prototype Barbarian Shock force is finally all painted up (actually a few weeks ago but I forgot to post it up!!) All Skyclad and screaming (with the aid of burning hogs) - enough to send the wind up the hardest of foes. All Xyston models.
This is one of my prototype fantasy warbands, created from the Xyston catalogue. It's a project thats been on the backburner for quite a while now but I'm looking to get running this year for 15mm Skirmish Supplies (with the kind offered help of those friendly folk up at Scotia Grendel). There will be a few fantasy themed warbands formulated from Jungle based to desert and mountain habits (or at least thats the plan).
Friday 31 July 2020
Additional Chaos Dwarves and more
Also, as before, I painted up a single 15mm adventuring Knight. The thought originally was that he was to be clad in the same coloured armour as the two 28mm Dwarves, but once I started painting him I realised that we wasn't entirely clad in armour. In the end he looks like he's picked up pieces of armour as he's managed to afford them - very much an RPG character.
And finally a quicky to bump up the monthly painting total. A stretch goal from a Ral Partha Kick Starter (but available online) is the animated broom - even if my wife does say it looks like the Peperami guy in a hoola skirt! Will no doubt appear in a Frostgrave game as a construct.
Tuesday 28 July 2020
Retained Troopers (First Squad)
As some background to the colour scheme I've used here, back in the days when Ebay was only an auction site for amateurs, I picked up a few 28mm versions of these lads, all sprayed a golden colour with a couple of highlights. I always meant to repaint them but never got round to it and they had quite a few battles. So when I found their little brothers in my lead pile it was obvious I had to replicate the colour scheme!
Happy the way they have come out, especially how well the backpacks have appeared!
Tuesday 21 July 2020
15mm Walls
Friday 17 July 2020
New Adventurers
Tuesday 14 July 2020
The Trouble with Orcs (Part 3)
Orc 3, and you're not going to get more classivc than a 1980's Grenadier Orc. The higher lead content from this era means I lost count of how many times the halbard blade came off (OK, 4 if you're asking and I know only the first one counts againt the metal!)
Monday 29 June 2020
Judge Dredd: Starter Box Judges
A new project for me. Stocking The Judge Dredd (and Strontium Dog) sets from Warlord games has given me the excuse to start a 2000AD project.
Like many, I was hooked on 2000AD as a teenager, moving from the Brit comics of Warlord and Victor to the more dystopian future of Megacity One, SD agency Hunting grounds and Nu Earth. So it's with great excitement that I unpacked these for the shelves.
To get me in the mood the two Judges from the Starter box are first. There have been various colour tones over the decades, but I decided to opt for a brighter, comic palette. And I'm very happy with the outcome. As ever they are for my tabletop standard, so don't bear up to close inspection, but once the iconic uniform is hunting down Perps they'll really be in their element.
Friday 26 June 2020
The Trouble with Orcs (part 2)
Tuesday 16 June 2020
Southern Man
I've been casually collecting together figures for an aridarabian style fantasy warband for quite a while and finally decided to start putting some paint on them. So here I have my first test figure. He is from Harlequin's old Lord of The Rings range, bought over by Black Tree Design and then subsequently again by Scotia Grendel. This is from the "Men of the South". I have to admit that the impetus for getting them out now is that I plan to start stocking the parts of the range in the store as part of the new 28mm stock.
Paints used (mainly for my own notes):
armour: GW Retribution armour
trouserssmock: Miniature Paints Pale Flesh, Vallejo Sepia wash, Pale Flash Highlight
boots & gloves: GW Contrast Snakebite Leather
Face: GW Calthan Brown, GW Bugmans Glow, P1 Flesh
Shield Snake: GW Contrast Orc Flesh
Tuesday 9 June 2020
4A Miniatures 15mm Dwarves
Wednesday 3 June 2020
The Trouble With Orcs (part 1)
First painted Orc in a long time. |
Tuesday 2 June 2020
Lockdown Chaos (Dwarves)
Monday 4 May 2020
Painted in April
I'm still working, so don't have the reserved time & energy to produce vast arrays of painted figures that some locked down internet peeps have. Funny how social media makes managing to maintain a slight veil of normality a "missing out" experience!
Any how, I managed to at least paint some figures in April - all oldies. A Grenadier Knight, a crossbowman of unknown origin and 2 old Citadel figure. The Grenadier Stone golem was painted years ago but I've just rebased him, so he's in as it's always nice to see old sculpts painted online!