Sunday 27 February 2022

Monday 21 February 2022

The Dark Judges


One of the glaring omissions in Warlords Judge Dredd miniatures game line is that they have only released Death out of the Dark Judges. Osprey have had a sale on where the Dark Judges set for 2000AD Helter Skelter was only £7.50 so I thought I'd take the risk and order a set up to fill the gap. The scale is close enough I'd say. And cast in a hard plastic as well, so no wobbly tridents!!

Wednesday 16 February 2022

Latest Brief Distraction - Dwarves


A move away from the Demons now, inspired by this fellow I picked up from Heresy Miniatures - A Dwarven miner. He comes with a mining helmet head option but I felt it was a bit modern or my image of fantasy so I went for the bald scowling version. Simple and characterful.

Friday 4 February 2022