It's less than a week now to easily one of my annual gaming Highlights -
Carronade (run by the Falkirk District Wargames Club)
W..W..W..W..Warhammer figures for sale |
For the second year I will be using their bring and buy hall to shift some gear to bring space and cash to the Arabian Towers Hobby shed. Unlike most other conventions I gather, they have gone for a fleamarket style B&B, so every seller gets a 4'x2' table to sell on over an hour long timeslot for the princely sum of £2. I presume the reduced income to the club (no percentage of sales taken) is offset by the lack of hassle and management time. It also makes it easier for small time amateurs like myself shift some unwanted hobby gear with worrying about how much they'll be left with after fees. A top notch set-up I find.
It does mean that I've a busy week preparing my wares for the table. A list of things need to be considered:
- Looking out what I want to sell
- Deciding on pricing (sticker prices and haggled bulk buys)
- Sourcing price stickers/displays so people don't have to ask "how much?" if they don't want to.
- Thinking about presentation (it's a pretty small space to cram too much into I found last year)
- Getting a bag of change for customers
After all the selling (I've a table reserved in the first buying slot to leave the rest of the day free) comes the traders and the participation games. Having a look at the
club games being run I can see that I'll have to miss a few great sounding games. Ones that stand out for me are Heroquest (one of Arabian Squire's favourites), Full Thrust (I've been thinking about getting into this game for quite a while now so would like to play first), The Great Escape (RAF Leuchars games are always amazing) but a few others are sitting on the play list as well. Looks like we shouldn't be left with nothing to do.

A last but not least come the traders. A list of wants will be made up to make sure I don't forget anything. Buying here, more often than not, will save me postage costs. Checking paint stocks (there's always one paint that's dried up I don't know about), brushes and contacting any trdares to make show orders for pick up on the day are always useful. As is a general "want list" as a reminder to yourself in case bargains on stall or second hand. For example, in my case, I've made an order to Pendraken for a 10mm dungeon booster + others to pick up at the show and I hope to pick up a second hand Space Marine Dreadnought cheaply, amongst others.