Tuesday 1 May 2012

Citadel Paint Chart

Today I did something I don't regularly do. Usually I feel I'm too tired, or cynical, or uninterested, or just plain too old. But today I impulse bought a copy of White Dwarf.

As I've not needed any paint I've been pretty much ignoring the all the hoo-ha and teeth gnashing that has been going on regarding the replacement Games Workshop paint range. This issue of the magazine is full of it (the paints that is!) so I suppose I should acknowledge the issue at least.

Generally I have to say that without using them my reactions are pretty much shrug (the "Layer" range), note for future use (the "Base" range) and shake head (dry brush and texture range). There is an interesting and at times useful "how to paint" guide showing the painting process of a large variety of effects and textures from base coat to finished effect, but my tight wallet and slightly cynical mind can't help but feel that a lot of different paints (and brushes) are being used for a relatively simple paint effect in alot of cases. As a Dad of a young lad I am always aware of the cost of the hobby and feel for those parents who will be bombarded with their childs requests based on what is "advised" as opposed to "required" - especially at the relevent skill level. I am reminded of this also because a work colleague of mine has just started to find the fun of painting miniature in literally the last month or so. One of his comments is that what on the surface looks like an interesting, cheap hobby soon becomes quite pricey to get set up. There is a truth in that no matter where you shop, but I don't feel this helps.

Handy for those caught in the transition is an old to new colour chart. This obviously doesn't include new paints colours, etc but handy if you're halfway through your army and the cat has knocked the paint over. So here it is (click on the picture for a larger view):

This is available for free pdf download on the GW website at a better resolution in their paint section. I hope I'm not treading on official issues here. I realise that most of this will be on a thousand other blogs round the web, but one more shouldn't hurt. Especially if it helps a poor soul pick up the correct colour to finish off their Space Marine Corps.

For a (probably more) useful table cross referencing with a variety of manufacturers I shall also point you to the excellent post on "From The Warp":


  1. You bought a copy of White Dwarf? With your own money? Then admitted it on your blog?

    Now go and sit in the corner and think about you've done.

    The hobby - as opposed to 'The Hobby (tm)' - is actually quite cheap when compared with just about any other pursuit which a chap might pursue.

    Sort of.

    Until (insert personal fad of the month manufacturer) releases the next must-have thing, like the ninth regiment French Hussars, correctly kitted out for the sixteenth week of 1817, when they'd just been issued with the highly controversial, and short-lived, 46.733mm cuff - replacing the tried and trusted 46.709mm cuff.

    Then it gets expensive.

    I packed in WD years ago, I can't even read friends' copies. I accept it for what it is; a product promotion vehicle. Indeed, it's been that since the late 80s.

    But, since GW dropped all the niche (read: interesting) things like Epic, BFG, Bloodbowl, etc, and gradually became a parody of itself, WD has increasingly read like those self-congratulatory things the local political parties periodically shove through your letterbox. Or a slightly less funny version of The Watchtower, with added idolatry.

    1. Not a fan then, Dunc? ;-)

      For the most part I agree with you RE: White Dwarf, and as such rarely buy it. Some of the forces in there (through their Fantasy and 40k lines) are still very nice to look at, but the special figures\units more and more leave me flat as they continue to "over egg the pudding". This one attracted me with the painting articles and the "Death World" headlines (as I have some Catachan troop models), so has more of interest than usual.

      As for Hobby costs, once you are started it can be quite cost effective (as you say compared to other pastimes and avoiding trends) and get many, many hours fun for your buck, but the startup costs tend to be slightly hidden as most folk seem to start off thinking they'll just need a handful of paints and a dozen figures to get going but then find they are looking at multiple brushes, paints, tools, figures, etc that they never realised at the start. By that point it's too late we're sucked into the fun (and it is!). Not too bad if you are an adult funding yourself, less fun if you are an adult funding your childs new hobby you have no understanding of, but are happy that drink/drugs/pregnancies are not issues!

      Still worth it though (wouldn't be having this chat otherwise)
