Saturday 30 September 2023

Judge Dredd Campaign #1.2 - Crossroads Ambush

After the narrow escape from the Sushi raid, the Ainsley Harriot gang thought they'd put down a marker on their turf. A squad was set out to ambush a Judge patrol at the edge of their turf.

Thursday 28 September 2023

Prime Winged Xenos


A quick new Xenos Terror paint up for Majestic 13 - one of the new Games Workshop Winged Prime Tyranids. I knew I wanted this fiend to be dark, and once constructed there was something about his wings that reminded me of Jeepers Creepers (although the wings are different) - so brown it had to be. Mainly a combination of Contrast paints over Zenithal/Dry brushed highlights. It's pretty effective for a single nightmare. The carapace and claws have a coat (of variating) Balthasar Gold to give a sharp metallic feel without loosing the brown-ness.

Could easily fit into a fantasy, sci-fi, or horror game - perfect really!

Sunday 24 September 2023

A couple of Frostgrave chums


2 Frostgrave Figures
Out of the blue, a couple of Frostgrave figures. These two are a result of my unfocused collection. I quite often have a couple of primed figures that sit at the edge of the paint mat. They are usual general squad figures with no fixed project and when I have some spare paint on my palette they get some of it. When they reach a certain level an evening is spent finishing them off. It lends it self to a colour scheme that doesn't match up to anything else and also gets a couple more figures painted for very little effort.

The one aim in this case was that I was wanting to have another go at painting a dark skin tone. Here I started with a dark leather base, applied GW Doombull brown mixed with a touch of Miniature Paints Chocolate Brown to highlight, which turned out way too red, so I stippled some Coat D'Arms Hairy Brown on the highlight areas to bring the colour back and it seems to have turned out OK. More saved the situation than cemented a new colour scheme, but all a learning process.

The figures are both Northstar Frostgrave figures. The right hand one is from their sprue boxset that I thought I'd finally have a bash at constructing. The right hand figure is a metal that I received on the Frostgrave Ghost Archipelago Nickstarter. I can't find it one the site now so I'm not sure if it is temporally  out of stock, or discontinued or a Nick Starter exclusive. A witch doctor I may think? I await to be confirmed or corrected....

Tuesday 19 September 2023

Demon Shruuf


This beauty is all built and painted and I've not even got a part to moan about this time!

Saturday 16 September 2023

Paladin Lady Monique

A single figure painting of Paladin Lady Monique from Heresy Miniatures. After years of painting my faces are still irritatingly hit or miss but fortunately she is looking downwards and on the table it looks fine to me as I'm perfectly happy how the rest of the model has turned out. The armour looks very pure thanks to the excellent Miniature Paints "Blue Steel".

It marks a "dangerous" period as I run down my "Skirmish Supplies" stock after the decision to shut it down. I'm now left sorting through the remaining stock, all of which I like. I need to be strong and not just keep the lot! I failed with this one though as the simple clean pose and modelling just lent itself to a quick paint job - oh well!!