Monday 28 November 2016

Frostgrave Campaign - #3 The Caverns

The cave system with the 4 main caverns marked A-D. 
Down into the twisting tunnels the warbands ventured, both arriving at the central system at the same time, via differing routes. The cultists had obviously been occupying this area of 4 linked caverns for a while. But how many would still be lurking in the shadows....

Tuesday 8 November 2016

New Blog Dedicated to 15mm Skirmish Gaming

One of my plans for 2017 is to push on with my delayed exploration into 15mm Skirmish Gaming.  I know it happens but the majority of 15mm posts I find are either figure reviews or larger battle reports\games. Similarly most Skirmish posts I find are in 28mm. Having dabbled my toes in I feel that 15mm Skirmish has something different in its play, more than "the same but smaller". The scale distances and movement seem more open, so (in theory) the tactics could be as well.

So I'm going for it! And I've started a dedicated blog for the topic and my journey into this world, pretty much from the start.

I'm quite excited about it actually, as it is a new world of the things I love but newer and more affordable, which has to be a bonus. At the moment I've copied in some of the relevant posts from this blog, but things should start to move towards the end of the year.

But just in case you are worried (which I doubt you level headed folks are!) I'm not ditching my 28mm. Or this blog. It'll be as unfocused as ever!

Thursday 3 November 2016

ATZ - Ground Zero

Ok, so I've spent the last two months making terrain and painting figures for Zombie gaming, so what reason do I have for turning down MacSver's suggestion of trying "All Things Zombie"? No good reason at all (ignoring the fact I hadn't managed to fully digest the latest version (ATZ - Final Fade Out). Queue the familiar learning Two Hour Wargames ruleset learning process of frantic page flicking!

For the table I decided to put most the terrain I have on, just to see how it would look and set up. It was decided that the scenario would be in the first 10 weeks of the outbreak during daylight hours. Our two characters had been in touch with each other and the aim of the game was to meet up and get off table, with each character entering the table at opposite corners.