Wednesday 17 August 2016

Many More Ruins (part deux)

Last of my Physical Fantasy Ruins (for a while anyway).

First up is a 2 storey  piece using 2 Amera ruined building corners. To try and break up the "two identical ruins facing each other" effect I've added a crumbling inner wall. It should provide some cover through all those archways, and the sloped rubble goes up to an elevated shooting area as well as being a handy access point for the floor above.

The second base is made of some Ebay sourced Hirst Arts walls I've had for years. Whilst building the latest ruins it had occurred to me that these were not getting enough use, so I've made them into a single piece to bring them into the limelight.

Truth be told some of the walls seem a bit wobbly (the bracing pole for the archway isn't just for aesthetics!), but with their use being restricted to my hobby shed they should be OK. Or at least easy repaired!


  1. Looking good, Sam; must admit, I love building terrain, time is a problem at the moment, however..

    1. Cheers, Monty. Terrain is one of those projects which starts off great fun but I'm glad to get finished after a few pieces.

  2. Great stuff. Thanks for sharing.

    In my opinion, the bracing pole adds a bit of character to the piece.

    1. It does indeed. To be honest I had planned to put one in as the piece was a bit bland, but it definitely shored up the wall, ironically an unintentional side benefit! :)
