Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Timing Isn't Everything

You can't fault my timing. With a new Games Workshop prices rise and a change in editions on the horizon, what better time to take up 40k?

The reason for this is simple. Arabiansquire is old enough to be a club member in his own right (for the last year actually) but with the club running on Saturday mornings it's not always convenient for me to go. The lad's been dropped off a couple of times on his own and he's played away, roping in a willing participant for his own rules "system", but I've always felt it would be better if he could join a game other lads are playing. Happily there has been a influx of "new blood" to the club in the form of some youngsters all (not surprisingly) playing 40k. So last Saturday I dropped the wee lad off armed with our meagre collection of Space Marines for a lesson on how to play. He had a great time playing  independently with folk close to his own age and was full of enthusiastic chat about the game and his new friends. If ever there was a nice example of how tabletop gaming is a fun, social activity compared to online gaming this was it.

I'll just have keep this in mind as I trawl open my wallet for more Space Marine gear...

Monday, 28 May 2012

Racer Pods Race Again

Our "One Ring" game has unfortunately come to a stuttering end with the GM having to focus on real world issues (work, etc) for a while (given the state on the economy it's more suprising any of us have time). I can easily say that everyone who played this game thouroughly enjoyed every session. The system was very good and encouraged a good party dynamic (not necessarily an efficient one, mind you).
To keep the group going until someone could take up the GM's mantle I thought I'd break out the Star Wars Pod Racers again for an evenings entertainment. Unfortunately a couple of folk couldn't make it (sense a pattern here) but MacSver and his son "Mini-MacSver", as he shalt be known hence forth (probably to his his protests) came down to the hobby shed for a game. The pod racers (and rules) are detailed in an earlier post .

Through the 3rd gate on the first lap
and all still to race for.
The theme for the race quick quickly back a father-son battle (in fact Mini-MacSver pretty much declared it so before we'd even started) and a flurry of nasty cards were flashed whenever possible between the two.

"Oh no, a tree!" - A MacSver induced spinout leaves
me hurtling towards a tree.
Eventually something had to give and during lap 2 MacSver's battered pod mis-fired on an engine restart and he ended up with a scrapped racer and a grin on his son's face. That was until his pod's power coupling failed a couple of turns later and he suffered a similar fate. The cards are very concentrated in a 3 player game (there is alot more damage and manourering with more players) but it's all fun.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Anyone know these Mystery Marines?

Anyone recognise these? I've had a couple of squads of these true 25mm marines for a few years now after picking them up on EBay, but I've never known who made them.


Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Teenage Zombie Hunters coming

Like most of you I suspect I'm on quite a few company mailing lists. The other day the latest newsletter from Hasslefree Miniatures came through. As usual there are nice sculpts in the letter that I'll admire but never get round to buying due to cash, projects, indimidation, etc (I already have too many of their figures sitting in the unpainted box...). But for once as set of pictures roused my excitement (steady on there!), a preview of a certain meddling teeanage gang beafed up for zombie hunting (probably)
Can't wait until these come out. I've been longing for some kick-ass Mystery Machine occupants ever since I found this picture on the interweb - love it!

Friday, 18 May 2012

SoBH Battle #1.1

Battlefield: Forrest
Weather: Thunderstorm
Scenario: Treasure Hunt. 3 treasure objectives but only one has treasure. The treasure must be carried off the starting edge to claim the 5 victory points. 1VP per 25pts killed are also available.



Valgen Maest's Dwarves

Territory: Bolkrak Holdfast - Hill Land River, Tundra, Open Plain Mountains.
Traits: Nocturnal.
WB Current Points: 286, Net Gold: 14
Maximum Warband size: 14
  • Valgen Maest: DWARF COMMANDER (Sword, Shield, Chainmail)
    88 Pts
    , Quality 2+ Combat 4
    Short Move, Leader,
  • Falkaya Bloodsworn: Mrs Maest
    32 Pts
    , Quality 3+ Combat 3
    Short Move,
  • Falster Vonlyr: ELITE WARRIOR
    46 Pts
    , Quality 3+ Combat 4
    Short Move,
    Steadfast, Fearless
  • Red Beastsplitter: WARRIOR
    26 Pts
    , Quality 4+ Combat 4
    Short Move
  • Halgar Snowbeard: WARRIOR
    26 Pts
    , Quality 4+ Combat 4
    Short Move
  • Rir Glaivesmasher: CROSSBOWMAN
    24 Pts,
    Quality 4+ Combat 3
    Short Move, Medium Shooter
  • Redds Rhum: DWARF CAVALRY (Riding a bear)
    44 Pts,
    Quality 4+ Combat 3
    Running Blow

Johan's Beast Herd

Race: Beastmen/Chaos
Territory: Dark Forest.
Traits: Nocturnal.
WB Current Points: 279, Net Gold: 21
Maximum Warband size: 14

  • Johan Tierpfleger: HUMAN LEADER
    60 Pts
    , Quality 3+, Combat 3
  • Torgor: BEASTMAN #1
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage
  • Kragos: BEASTMAN #2
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage
  • Arax: BEASTMAN #3
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage
    52 Pts, Quality 3+, Combat 4
    Big, Savage
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Dashing, Savage
  • Kodar the Cruel: CHAOS WARRIOR
    39 Pts, Quality 3+, Combat 3
    Mutant, Heavy Armour

The Brave Companions of Kaleria

Race: Human
Territory: ?
Traits: ?
  • Maegor the Wicked of House Dagon: HUMAN CAVALRY LEADERPoints: 92, Quality 3+, Combat 4
  • Sir Eddrick of house Meridia: CRUSADER
    Points: 44 , Quality 3+, Combat 4
  • Sir Tytos of house Meridia: CRUSADER
    Points: 44 , Quality 3+, Combat 4
    Points: 30 , Quality 3+, Combat 3
  • Sandor the Steady (In service to house Dagon): ARCHERPoints: 44 , Quality 3+, Combat 3
    Shooter (Long)
  • ExterminatorPoints: 40 , Quality 3+, Combat 3
    Shooter (Med), Lethal vs Swarms
 The 3 forces were place placed roughly equi-distant from each other and the 3 treasure markers put on the board in a terrain feature as per the scenario rules.

Having a rocky outcrop in front of them the dwarves naturally split into two parties. The bear cavalry decides to use his speed advantage and charges up the field towards treasure 3.
The beastmen struggle with rolls, and a "1" rolled on the group move dice leaves the majority of the force stuck in the mud and only able to watch the dwarven cavalry thunder towards the treasure marker.

In a similar move of speed, the human force is making it's way steadily up board with their mounted leader racing though the central wooded copse to the treasure 2 marker. It takes him several turns to try and pick up the treasure though, wasting time and eventually discovering it contained no treasure.

A similar case of butter fingers stops the bear mounted dwarf from picking up the 3rd treaure objective. This lets the Mintaur Warrior close in, knock him down and then kill him. The savagery of the fight causes a moral test on the backup Dwarven warrior, who completely fails all dice and is gone.

 On the other side of the table the humans were having more treasure pick-up problems (it takes 2 action to pick up a marker), letting the other half of the Valgen led dwarves come round.

 A skirmish breaks out over the marker, the human force weakened by a couple of them being stuck in the woods trying to open the treasure chest. This gives the dwarven crossbow man time to get in range, take aim and knock down the human archer. The Crusader moves in to engage the Elite dwarf warrior and slow him down.

 The 2 lagging dwarves were left with a conondrum: race up and try and take on the Minotaur (who may not even have the treasure), or hang back and play the campaign game.

Finally the minotaur picks up the treasure marker and discovers it contains the much sought after treasure. Support from the rest of the warband also starts to arrive.

With the treasure now discovered on the other side of the table, the dwarf vs humans tussle takes on a different angle: trying weaken the opposition for the next battle. The dwarven elite warrior shows the way by killing the human crusader.

With no treasure at hand, a man down and a tough match up, the humans have a choice to make...

and retires!

But still the dwarven axes cry for blood. The treasure laden minotaur slowly make his way back to the required exit, with his comrades falling back to cover. The young minotaur pays the price for continually getting stuck in the heavy rain generated mud and is caught by the Elite warrior.

The elite warrior knocks the youngster down, and Valgen himself steps up and finishes the job as the rest of the beastmen leave with their spoils.

Battle result:
  • Beastmen: 68pts killed = 2VP + 5VP treasure = 7VP
  • Dwarves: 32pts killed = 1VP
  • Humans: 0pts killed = 0VP

Beastmen Win (1 CP)

SoBH 2.2 Campaign Starting Warbands

After a couple of false starts we're back on the road again.
Everyone has rejigged their warbands, so we've started from Battle #1 again. Here are the starting warbands. Any changes will be in the subsequent battle reports.


Valgen Maest's Dwarves

Territory: Bolkrak Holdfast - Hill Land River, Tundra, Open Plain Mountains.
Traits: Nocturnal.
WB Current Points: 286, Net Gold: 14 
Maximum Warband size: 14
  • Valgen Maest: DWARF COMMANDER (Sword, Shield, Chainmail)
    88 Pts
    , Quality 2+ Combat 4
    Short Move, Leader,
  • Falkaya Bloodsworn: Mrs Maest
    32 Pts
    , Quality 3+ Combat 3
    Short Move,
  • Falster Vonlyr: ELITE WARRIOR
    46 Pts
    , Quality 3+ Combat 4
    Short Move,
    Steadfast, Fearless
  • Red Beastsplitter: WARRIOR
    26 Pts
    , Quality 4+ Combat 4
    Short Move
  • Halgar Snowbeard: WARRIOR
    26 Pts
    , Quality 4+ Combat 4
    Short Move
  • Rir Glaivesmasher: CROSSBOWMAN
    24 Pts,
    Quality 4+ Combat 3
    Short Move, Medium Shooter
  • Redds Rhum: DWARF CAVALRY (Riding a bear)
    44 Pts,
    Quality 4+ Combat 3
    Running Blow

Johan's Beast Herd

Race: Beastmen/Chaos
Territory: Dark Forest.
Traits: Nocturnal.
WB Current Points: 279, Net Gold: 21
Maximum Warband size: 14
  • Johan Tierpfleger: HUMAN LEADER
    60 Pts
    , Quality 3+, Combat 3
  • Torgor: BEASTMAN #1
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage
  • Kragos: BEASTMAN #2
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage 
  • Arax: BEASTMAN #3
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Forester, Savage
    52 Pts, Quality 3+, Combat 4
    Big, Savage
    32 Pts, Quality 4+, Combat 3
    Dashing, Savage 
  • Kodar the Cruel: CHAOS WARRIOR
    39 Pts, Quality 3+, Combat 3
    Mutant, Heavy Armour


Tuesday, 15 May 2012

GW Chaos Dwarves

Our "Songs of Blades..." campaign is just about to reboot again after a few real lfe issues (holidays, illness, house moves, etc) had halted it in its tracks well over a month ago. In the interim the players have found a few new models, so we plan to start with re-jigged warband lists.

After a couple of games now with my beastmen, I'm finding that are playing an awful lot like my skaven against MacSvers tough dwarves, so I've decided to add some colour to the force and diversify my models a bit more.

One way was to fight fire-with-fire, so I managed to pick up a couple of old GamesWorkshop plastic Chaos dwarves and quickly get them painted up in my warband livery. Actually never really liked the big hats, but I do have to admit that they have a nice "classic" air about them.

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Cygnar Trencher Solo Proxies

The remaining trencher based solo's have now been painted. I've tried to convert the figures to represent to originals as closely as possible (or at least in spirit). The weapons on the proxy are those that would have been on the official Warmachine mini. I've included both pictures for comparison (mine are on top obviously).

Cygnar Rifle Grenadier (Trencher WA):
Cygnar Journeyman Warcaster:
Cygnar Trencher Master Gunner:
Cygnar Captain Maxwell Finn:
Cygnar Trencher Officer and Sniper (UA):

Must say I'm happy the way they've turned out, especially when compared to the style of the originals I don't think they'll be too out of place on the tabletop. Readers of the original proxy post will notice that my Squire is missing. I'm having second thoughts about that one as it's at least twice the size of the official mini (my one is pushed to fit on the 30mm base!).

As for other figures? I've proxies for Storm Lances, Major Katherine Laddermore and Captain Jeremiah Kraye lined up to start, but they are slight departures from the originals (although as before keeping in the spirit & weaponry). They'll be posted as they are ready...

Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Tales Of Blades GM book arrives

The GM book for Ganesha Games "Tales of Blades and Heroes" RPG came out yesterday, and I've  purchased and downloaded a copy today. First thought was that "Tales of Beasts and Perils - Vol. 1" doesn't obviously link itself to the first core book (other than a quick reference on the back cover). This isn't really a problem though as it mentions it just fine on the product page, and as a download you'll be there first, but would have expected a "Tales of..." mention on the front page. Included in your downlaoded .zip file are font and back cover pages and the rulebook text in full colour (47pgs), ink saving (47pgs) , and condensed ink saver (28pgs) format.

Anyway, this supplement really makes the system playable in giving example and guidlines form monster/opponent creation (including basic suggestions for converting profiles from the "Songs Of Blades and Heroes" wargame). There are a few other standard pieces for GM books: advice on running a game, item generation, etc, but the meat of the book is about what the characters will meet on their adventure, including standard race traits.

This book answers most the questions I had after reading the first core book, and gives enough examples and ideas to fill quite a few of the remaining blanks. I'd say it was an essential purchase if you are thinking about using the "Tales of..." rule system. It'll certainly save you alot of work from using the core book alone

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Fun in Falkirk

Saturday saw Arabiansquire and I head to Falkirk for Carronade, always one of the highlights of my gaming year. Getting there a bit later than perfect (~11am) meant that we'd missed the start of most the first sessionss of participation games, but let us have a look around. Had a very pleasent and informative chat with one of the members of the RAF Leuchars crew. For years they've been putting on the best PPGs at Carronade, but with the Air FOrce base due to close next year due to MoD cuts, they must have decided to do something different this year. But as ever it was excellently done, and the friendly atomsphere from previous years games carried over to the enthusiastic hello and descriptiojn of what they were doing. Here it was a historical recreation of the D-day battle at Sainte-Mere-Eglise.

Everything was there. The clickers in hand (bought in the village itself) and even John Steele on the church.
The rules being played were a slightly adapted version of "Rapid Fire", with I have a copy of for when I start my WWII project proper. Some handy advice was given on enquiry.
To back the game on the table there was also a large display, with photo's and regiment breakdown of all those involved, which was very impressive.

The main game we played was a simplified 4 player Urban War affair put on by the Kirriemuir Wargames Club. Each player had a small force with one main aim (get to the protected central compound console) and several private secret missions. Good fun was had (even if I did come last!).

I also managed to get to the Crooked Dice stall, which had been one of my main ambitions for the show. We had a quick demo game to go through the rules. On paper it seems quite complicated with stats, skills, tokens, etc, but the game runs very smoothly and was just great fun. The fantastic presentation and friendly chat helped as well. This has definitely convinced me to try and put a line under any new projects coming in (although I have a few in waiting) and look to play in the future.
And what was bought? I had a reasonable show pre-order from Pendraken to pick up - Minotaurs, spiders worms and more for my 10mm dungeon. A couple of bargains from the flea market - 2 Heroquest fimirs, some 28mm sacks and some epic scale building adornments, some paint and some Kallistra Hexon II trenching (I don't have hex terrain, but I've seen these on a "normal" setup and they didn't look out of place!). Quite restrained really!

Thanks should be passed on to the Falkirk Wargames Club for putting on another excellent show this year, and to all those clubs and traders who made the effort and trip to help make the experience as goos as it was. Here's to next year...

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Citadel Paint Chart

Today I did something I don't regularly do. Usually I feel I'm too tired, or cynical, or uninterested, or just plain too old. But today I impulse bought a copy of White Dwarf.

As I've not needed any paint I've been pretty much ignoring the all the hoo-ha and teeth gnashing that has been going on regarding the replacement Games Workshop paint range. This issue of the magazine is full of it (the paints that is!) so I suppose I should acknowledge the issue at least.

Generally I have to say that without using them my reactions are pretty much shrug (the "Layer" range), note for future use (the "Base" range) and shake head (dry brush and texture range). There is an interesting and at times useful "how to paint" guide showing the painting process of a large variety of effects and textures from base coat to finished effect, but my tight wallet and slightly cynical mind can't help but feel that a lot of different paints (and brushes) are being used for a relatively simple paint effect in alot of cases. As a Dad of a young lad I am always aware of the cost of the hobby and feel for those parents who will be bombarded with their childs requests based on what is "advised" as opposed to "required" - especially at the relevent skill level. I am reminded of this also because a work colleague of mine has just started to find the fun of painting miniature in literally the last month or so. One of his comments is that what on the surface looks like an interesting, cheap hobby soon becomes quite pricey to get set up. There is a truth in that no matter where you shop, but I don't feel this helps.

Handy for those caught in the transition is an old to new colour chart. This obviously doesn't include new paints colours, etc but handy if you're halfway through your army and the cat has knocked the paint over. So here it is (click on the picture for a larger view):

This is available for free pdf download on the GW website at a better resolution in their paint section. I hope I'm not treading on official issues here. I realise that most of this will be on a thousand other blogs round the web, but one more shouldn't hurt. Especially if it helps a poor soul pick up the correct colour to finish off their Space Marine Corps.

For a (probably more) useful table cross referencing with a variety of manufacturers I shall also point you to the excellent post on "From The Warp":