Monday, 22 April 2024

MC1 Population Explosion

 It may have been more than a couple of months since the last post but there has been some painting at least going on in the background. This batch are all for Mega City One (amongst others)

First up are some Fatties, bought from an Etsy store (sculpted by Papsikels). The set has 11 figures in it, 7 all wearing these jumpsuits and 4 who are dressed as clowns. These last 4 still need to be coloured, but the main gang is done. The colour scheme is a vague nod to the outfit worn by Arnie in "The Running Man". A great addition to flesh out the Fatties gang, which lacks numbers of different sculpts.

Next up is the Specialist Judges box set. All look to be quite useful, although I'm not quite sure when I'll be using the Judge in Rad Cloak figure if I'm totally honest!

And now some more flexible\generic models. The unlucky lass here is from the wonderful Urban War Militia set of figures. The 3 hounds are Judge Dredd Robo Hounds, good for any SF game I'd say!

And finally, a trio of 15mm Alternative Armie (not) Judges to continue my very slow roll out of smaller scale judical forces.

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