Monday 31 July 2023

Near Future Troopers (part 1)


The first set of Troopers for Majestic 13 have been completed. 

The game only uses squads of 5, so I have more than enough here to get started. The colour scheme was kept  dark and covert. Technically the pouches and backpack would normally be the same colour as the armour and fatigues  but I needed some change in colour just to break up the uniform grey and stop them looking purely like dark blobs. Satisfyingly quick and painless I have to say, so the 2 corresponding character packs have already plopped onto the doormat and will be done in the near future to add a few alternative options without breaking out of style.

As ever, the paint details are more for my future reference rather than a guide. As I wanted these done quickly I've leaned heavily on GW Contrast paints.

  • To prepare, All figures were base coated Black and given a top zenithal of white before all over dry brushing with the wolf grey.
  • Fatigues & armour are given a coat of Contrast Basilicanum Grey and then a targeted dry brush of Wolf Grey to bring out crucial edges.
  • Skin is base coated Skeleton Bone, given a coat of Contrast Guilliman Flesh and then highlighted Skeleton Bone again.
  • Pouches and backpacks are given a coat of Contrast Wyldwood and then the flat panels given a stipple of Motherland Earth. Bed roll are given a coat of Contrast Militarum Green. Straps across the bedroll and helmet chin are coloured Contrast Wyldwood or Chocolate Brown. Buttons are dotted with Leadbelcher. Weapon straps were given a coat of Contrast Snakebite Leather.
  • Guns and Boots are given a coat of Contrast Black Templar.

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