Tuesday, 1 August 2017

The Baron's Defiled Gang

As mentioned on my "returning" post, my plans for the year were slightly bushwacked by "The Curse of Dead Man's Hand". I've actually looked round the interweb a few times speculatively trying to seek out undead cowboy miniatures with little luck, so I knew I had to jump when this came out, picking up the biggest gang of undead (the pre-order scheme even gave me an extra Cursed Reverend).

One problem I did have though, especially after reading through the "Curse of..." rules, was that I wanted to get playing with the new gang as soon as possible, but with quite a few other projects on the go I knew I'd be pushed to get them painted any time soon with the proposed Zombie paint scheme. So I've done a quick "Revenging Spirits" paint scheme for the majority and only painted properly the three character pieces, the armoured "Juggernaught", Witch and of course Baron himself.

Actually this is a lie, as after starting I thought the ideal foe would be the Black Scorpion Tombstone Reverend that was sitting bare in the pile. With his beard and long coat he happens to almost fit in with the extra Cursed Reverend. Don't you just love serendipity?


  1. Lovely work, I like the glowing eyes 😊.

    1. Thanks, Wouter. I felt they were a bit plain without the eyes. :)

  2. Cracking post! Love the Revenging Spirits.

    1. Cheers, Michael. More a theme of necessity than design, but it worked out ok.

  3. Impressive. I'd hate to have to face off against them in a gun fight.

    1. I've had one game of DMH with them, and they play like standard zombies - generally slow and easy to put down. The quirk is that every turn the Baron can bring one back to "life" again, so if he is protected the march is slow but relentless!
