Monday, 10 February 2014

New Fantasy Buildings

Dave Graffam has recently had another $1 sale, in which I picked up some interesting buildings. It has prompted me to take a brief break from painting and put together a collection buildings I had printed out on card ages ago. I'd chosen some of the smaller and simpler designs, as these were cheaper to print (less pages) and quicker to build, as I wanted a bit more ground coverage.

In the last 10 days or so I managed to clear the lot (10 in total). One problem I often have with terrain projects is basing, as I don't have power tools for carving out hard bases. I have acquired a bag of foam core off-cuts in the last few months and they were wide enough to base here. I am very happy with the result. I'd been using cork for the previous builds and some of them have become very warped. The footprints will have to be re-printed and replaced with foam core.

I obviously had to get the other buildings out to see how the coverage was coming on...


  1. These buildings are looking good, very good!

  2. fantastic stuff mate, I too have the same problems with basing terrain features.

  3. Excellent looking buildings! Shame you couldn't hire an electric saw or something for a day and cut them out.

  4. Great stuff - I love Dave Graffam's buildings too and took advantage of his latest sale; can't recommend 'em enough!

  5. Great job. I love the Dave Graffam ranges, but feel they would be earn to have more interior.
    Still, they are easy to build and their layers make them very good in using again and again.

  6. Thanks for the positivity, guys. Nice to see I'm not the only fanboy around!

    @ Cedric: I know what you mean, Cedric, interiors would be nice (not that I've had need for them so far to be honest). He does have 3 buildings with interiors, but otherwise some sort of kitbash would be in order. It would be a case for buying the psd files I imagine. Probably why he made them available?
