Friday, 11 March 2011

Online RSBS Arena

I've been playing alot of my Gladiator games during my lunch time. The beauty of the genre is that usually there are only two figures to use, and after the initial turn or two they are toe-to-toe, making playing at my desk easy. In the new version of Red Sands... the movement is by arena zone, making in potentially at bit more tricky space-wise. So I've used the board and counters in the new version to make a cyber-arena:

You can drag and drop the gladiator icons anywhere in the arena. The gladiator style on the icon also marks the rear of the gladiator. Gladiators can be rotated (clockwise) by pressing the initial letter of the style.

Dimachaerus - "D"
Hoplomachus - "H"
Murmillo - "M"
Retiarius - "R"
Secutor - "S"

Full Size Arena Here

Once its had THW Ed's runthrough (with disclaimers, etc) I'll probably be uploading to the THW yahoo group.

Please note that I am no whizz at flash, this has been done mostly via having the software on my PC and a bit of google-fu, so anything more complicated will probably be well past my ken.


  1. Great! Because of you lunch time will never be the same...

  2. Awesome! Just need some online dice... ;)
    Thanks for share it!

  3. Thanks for the comments.

    Try for online dice

  4. Looks good to me and thanks, I'll be using it myself. Ed

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