Tuesday 14 July 2020

The Trouble with Orcs (Part 3)

Orc 3, and you're not going to get more classivc than a 1980's Grenadier Orc. The higher lead content from this era means I lost count of how many times the halbard blade came off (OK, 4 if you're asking and I know only the first one counts againt the metal!)

After a comment about khaki skinned orcs I thought I'd give that option a go, especially as the idea seemed to matcxh with early artwork of orcs.

To be honest my attempt hasn't come out as well as I'd hoped. The base khaki with deepening washes hasn't given the muted khaki tones I'd hoped (details below of what was used). I do have a couple more orcs from this range, so I'll continue with the khaki theme for them as well but maybe change the process, probably building up to a khaki layer rather than relying on washes to bring depth. Oh, and the deapset eyes had the wash run into them. Not the best execution ever!

Even with hte slightly less than desired end result it's good to get this figure painted. I like the scuplt a lot more than I did before any paint was applied, and despite being slightly small by modern standard he's my favourite "general warband" figure so far.

Skin details:

Base: Colours of War Khaki
Wash: Game Ink black\green
Wash: Gsme Color Sepia
Highlight: Colours of War Khaki


  1. I remember doing my grenadier plastic orcs in autumn colours to match up to the Lord of the rings style, so all Browns, yellows and rusty oranges mixed in with a handful of different greens.

    1. Sound intriguing. I presume by the nostalgic tone at the start of your comment they are long gone??

    2. Most of them will be sitting in the box of orcs, but having been painted about 30 years ago... not sure about the quality. :)
