Tuesday, 6 March 2012

You Little Rat(s)

Well, I may have missed the Painting Competition deadline, but here are my Dungeon Dwelling Pendraken 10mm Ratmen. Painted in red livery to match with my ratmen warband used in my first Songs Of Blades and Heroes Campaign.


  1. They look great! Good paintjob! Almost a little cute (but I guess you don't want to hear that)! =)

  2. at 10mm I can't disagree about their cuteness. I'm sure for the adventurers in the dungeon it's a different matter ;-)

  3. They look great Sam. Love the bases you used - where did you get (how did you make?) those?

  4. Nicely done. Even painted there eyes and they are 10mm!!!!!

  5. Cheers, folks.

    Tristan, they're glued to small washers then I build up to the mini base with Vallejo Black Lava paste.

  6. I'll have to get the dungeon extension finished and get a system for the classic Dungeon monsters sorted. We can get a game sometime you're over, H*.

  7. A pity you didn't make them on time as they are wonderful. I specially love their shields.
    Good job!

  8. Cheers, Blacksmith. Especially how much I liked your greenskins in the competition this year :-)

  9. Of all the Pendraken rats I have seen painted, your look the most like honest to God rats in the flesh. Bravo. What color combinations did you use for the fur and pink bits?

  10. Thanks, Lentulus. Sorry for the delay in replying. If I recall they the fur was Coat 'darms beasty brown (?) with valejo sepia wash, and the nose ears were Miniatures Paints tanned flesh.
