Wednesday, 25 September 2024

More Sci-Fi City Estate


I've been making a a push to get my Sci-Fi City towards a place of "completion", as in finish the buildings and scenics I already have (which is more than enough to fill a table to be fair). The last two brick and prefab concrete stragglers have been done now.

First up is a Hab block from TT Combat. Now it's built it's great, but the partial build has been sitting around for months as it was a real pain to construct, with vague instructions and many sheets of un-numbered mdf to search through for the correct parts. Mistakes were made as some parts are very similar and not really highlighted on the picture only instructions. All that pain is in the past now, and a solid, 3 storey building with platforms will be great on the table.

The second building is a combination of buildings from TT Combat Mall set all glued together to make a seedy "Love Hotel".

As a bonus I've had my 3D printer back on again and printed out some Jersey barriers to sit in the middle of the roads (or elsewhere), giving some easy cover in some of the more open areas.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks. They add a bit of welcome visual height to the table.

  2. Despite your issues with TT Combat's lack of instructions I think these look excellent, Sam. Love the notion of a seedy Love Hotel. LOL!!!

    1. the notion only came about as I had spare pink paint!
