Balbillus (Rep 4 Retiarus) vs Rep 3 Murmillo
Turn 1: Dice Pool: Retiarus(20), Murmillo(15), Init Murmillo
- All advance full movement
- Retiarus advance to 7" distance between fighters
- Murmillo advances 3" (gap now 4")
- Murmillo advances 3" - gap now 1"
- Retiarus retreats 2" and makes a net attack
- The Murmillo is ensnared and pulled to the ground face-down.
- The retiarus makes an immediate follow-up attack and wounds the murmillo in the back
- the murmillo manages to roll face-up
- The murmillo stands up and attempts to break melee
- But in the initial melee the retiarus makes a hit in the belly. Not wounding but enough to knock the murmillo back down to the ground, face up.
- The retiarus makes an immediate follow up attack, hitting in the chest, not wounding but allowing a draining follow up attack.
- The retiarus hits, wounding the murmillo in the chest. This second wound to the upper torso proves fatal, and Balbillus is victor.(+3AP, +3 Fame)
Turns 1&2: Dice Pool: Hoplomachus(15), Provocator(20)
- both advance towards each other
- Provocator advances 3"
- Hoplomachus advances to a 1" gap and attacks with his spear
- The attack hits the Provocator in the upper left leg, not wounding but knocking him to the ground (face up)
- The Hoplomachus follows up with an immediate attack, but with not effect.
- Hoplomachus attack hits in the belly, not wounding but causing the Provocator to roll to the right half an inch.
- The Provocator now stands and attacks
- but is himself wounded in the upper left leg and knocked to the ground
- The Hoplomachus makes a quick follow-up attack which makes no strike but exhausts the Provocator - Caecilianus is declared victor (+8 AP, +8 Fame)
Turn 1: Thraex(20), Murmillo(15), Init Murmillo
- Both gladiators moves towards each other full movement.
- Murmillo advances full distance
- Thraex holds his ground.
- Murmillo moves forward full movement
- Thraex moves forward and engages, hitting him in the lower left leg with no wound, but knocking him to the ground (face up)
- The Thraex makes an immediate follow-up attack, but it has not effect.
- The Thraex attacks, wounding in the left arm, with the Murmillo rolling 1" to the left
- The Murmillo stands and attacks, but is himself hit in the head. There is no wound but he is knocked to the ground and surrenders spent.
- Dacien is declared winner (+3AP, +3 Fame)
Turns 1&2: Provocator(20), Hoplomachus(15)
- Both moved towards each other full allowance finishing 7" apart.
- Provacator cautiously moved forward 2"
- Hoplomachus moves a full 3" but is still 2" away.
- The Provocator moves forward and attacks
- The Hoplomachus is hit and wounded in the lower left leg and falls to the ground (face up)
- The Provocator immediately makes a follow-up attack, hitting in the well helmeted head so not wounding, but enough to allow another attack
- This attack results in a wound to the felled Provocator in the left arm - the provocator collapses spent
- Eborius is declared winner (+3AP, +3 Fame)
(Total cash : 2960 aurei)
This game bears a striking resemblance to Avalon Hill's board game Gladiator of the early 80s. Your write-up brings back fond memories of a game I played to death. The game play is very similar, strikingly similar.
ReplyDeleteI have to admit I'm not familiar with the boardgame, but having read the review on I would guess that the similar gameplay reports would come from the variety of hit locations as well as the tactics of movement before melee begins.